On-boarding: How successful is your programme?
Resources have been invested in the (sometimes lengthy) hiring process … ensuring the success and retention of new senior hires through proper ‘on-boarding’ can see a return on that investment…….
On-boarding is a process of integrating a new senior hire into their new organisation. The purpose is to allow the new senior manager become acquainted with the way the organisation operates ( on a hard and soft level) and to gain the necessary knowledge, skills and behaviours to become effective, sooner.
There are a range of methods of delivery – formal meetings (group / individual), lectures, videos, printed documents, and, increasingly, computer based, on-line self service training and assimilation. Most processes will comprise a number of elements and methods. The process will also normally begin once an offer is accepted.
Such an ‘On-boarding’ process can have the reputation of being a ‘box ticking’ exercise. Unfortunately in some companies, that may be the only objective. In which case, the point has been missed and their process is not really ‘on-boarding’ . For others, the primary objective is to meet / comply with regulatory requirements. Again, the spirit of assimilation of the new senior hire is lost.