OnBoarding? We do that already!
OnBoarding – Some of the challenges facing a company taking on senior people
It is widely accepted, by advanced organisations and companies, that ‘ OnBoarding ‘ is a necessary tool in developing your people, particularly at more senior levels. OnBoarding is just as relevant with internal placements, as it is with external ones. Yet, many companies continue to resist bringing in external Onboarding support to help make that first 100 days, really work, for both the company and the new appointee. Very often some advance form of induction is offered, as meeting the demanding requirements of onboarding, particularly for senior appointments. Why? Here, PSD Partner’s consider some of the reasons that they have hear, while talking with clients about onboarding.
The value of onboarding is generally acknowledged by HR professionals across businesses, regardless of their size or industry sector. Some companies place great emphasis or importance on a well-structured onboarding program with set outcomes. They seek feedback to improve their program and generally treat it as a continuous work in progress. So even with a general acceptance of its value, how well it is implemented (if at all) is certainly open for debate. The value of a comprehensive assimilation program for executives and senior managers certainly receives verbal support from board members, CEO’s and senior HR professionals. However, in execution, there is often a different view expressed. Such onboarding programs are seen as for ‘other companies’, as being more relevant in ‘other industry sectors’. “These programs are great, but they’re not relevant to us, we manage our assimilation of senior executives very well, internally” Companies HR departments can be reluctant to bring in external support with expertise in certain areas.
You can have a more detailed look at the full article about On-Boarding in the link below