Leadership: – The Challenge Moving up a level in an company can be difficult. But you can become a leader!

Leadership is a core skill set that needs development.

Don’t just assume these skills will shine through in a newly promoted candidate, without help, anyway.  Even if the core ability is there, with a little help, people moving up to a leadership role , can be supported to get there, much quicker. It will also make for a smoother ride for their team and their effectiveness.

Moving up a level in an organisation is a difficult transition. I’m of the school that the core skills of leadership can be learn, or at least realised. With a little outside support, you can become a leader.  Jack & Suzy Welch’s article covers off the principle issues. It is not just about what you achieve and can do, it about the “reflective” glories of your team and their achievements. Expecting someone to make this adjustment, alone -unaided- is setting someone up to fail even before they start.
