Fast Track Assimilation – On Boarding a new senior hirer in their first 100 days
What do business leader need to do to successfully effect the transition of skills and experience of their new senior hire into their organisation. What are they doing about On boarding the new arrival?
Hiring someone, particularly at a senior level, requires more than just the hiring process. You need to plan for their on boarding But what does on boarding mean? Having hired the person, pointing them at an empty office and desk, saying “here in the phone and the laptop, your teams out there….” is not setting them or the company, up for success. It requires planning and effort to ensure that at a senior level, each hirer is a complete success. But how?
A proper On boarding process allows full integration of a new senior hire into the company. This needs to begin from the moment a CEO decides to source for that position. The challenge is to ensure that the new hirer is given every help to make those vital initial ‘wins’ to embed themselves with authority in their new position as well as creating a positive environment.
There is much written about how critical the first 100 days are for a new senior hire. How it acts as an indicator of the success for the new person and their position in the organisation. This all becomes even more important at head of function or CEO level. The process of “on-boarding” a newly hired senior executive is as important as the choice of person in the first place. This is especially important where the new senior hire is an ‘agent-of-change’. Where, for example, the company is bringing in someone who differs from their “typical” senior hire – perhaps an older profile, or someone from a different sector e.g. taking someone from FMCG(PCG) experience in to an SaaS organisation.
As one client said when we spoke about On-Boarding: “if only we’d done this sooner, we could have saved a lot of grief and difficulty internally and in the market”.
PSD Partners article explores On boarding can be done and the effects it has on achieve those initial important wins.
Download the full article, here↓
PSD Partners Fast-Track Assimilation Brochure-making the most of the first 100days