
Succession and who will lead us into the future?

Succession - Finding a new CEO/Chairperson is critically important. It requires planning.

Being good at building a network is critical in a new position!

Success is critical for new hired/promoted people within the first 3 months. Small/Large wins make all the difference. Networking is critical to achieving this. Network with internal colleagues or people from outside the business. Wherever they come from, make sure your skills gaps are filled.

The CV Challenge- a word to the wise!

A well-constructed CV is really worth the effort for everyone’s…

OnBoarding? We do that already!

OnBoarding - Some of the challenges facing a company taking on…

New Survey says 1 in 4 people will move job in 2014

1 in 4 forecast to move job in 2014, can present a huge challenge…

Congratulation to the team at PGA Catalunya

  Congratulations to the team at PGA Catalunya. PGA Catalunya…

On Boarding – the Importance of getting it right

On Boarding - the Importance of getting it right Over the last…

On-boarding: How successful is your programme?

Resources have been invested in the (sometimes lengthy) hiring…

Disciplinary procedures – we all need reminding from time to time!

disciplinary procedures are easy to forget about until, we need…

Time is such a luxury, these days.

Time is not something to be taken lightly,particular when taking…